Try Out Block


Try Out Block


This Trial Block allows you to visit any open class of your choice. When purchasing the trial block, you will need to decide which three different classes you want to visit.

The trial block is valid for one month starting from the date of purchase. Let your dancing journey begin!

*this offer is limited to one try-out block per individual.



Feeling lost as an absolute beginner in dance? Here are your first steps to becoming a contemporary dancer:

Dance is about freedom and elegance, whether it's through choreographed or improvised movements. Like any craft, it requires foundational skills to learn correctly, prevent injuries, and gain the control that brings freedom to your dance.

Level 1: Building the Basics

  1. Flexibility / Mobility Class: discover and expand your limits. Remember, in dance, there are no limits!

  2. Floor Barre Training: think of it as bodybuilding for your muscles, giving you the power you need for dance.

  3. Foundations Class: learn the basics of dance technique, and develop the ability to think and memorize movement sequences. These skills are crucial for later choreography classes.

Level 2: Embrace the Challenge

Step up your game by exploring different dance styles like Floor Work, Jazz, Graham, and Ballet. Engage in Choreography and Creative Movement Classes. Don't shy away from the challenge. It's normal to find it tough at first, but remember, each session makes it easier. Repetition is your best friend in dance!

Remember, it's not about when you start; it's about your desire for the dance lifestyle. You can achieve greatness in dance, regardless of your starting point. Dance for ten years, and you'll be amazed at your transformation!